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Random thoughts of mine here:

Biggest thing for me for consoles is that I like the ease of it. Out of the box I can basically press a button and start a game with basically another press. I know you can do whatever on a PC, but it takes a little more setup. And I like the mental separation between the PC ecosystem and console ecosystem. (I have a good PC and I have like 300 games on Steam, but I prefer playing on console except for RTS.)

These cuts seem focused on BGS; so I think it's likely there will be more elsewhere. Unfortunately.

This is pretty frustrating and heartbreaking stuff. And I feel less sure about what MS's future is in the industry is right now, than I've felt in several years. In a sense of not sure what they're doing with gamepass, or what games will go to PS/NS, what studios will still be there in a few months. 

But I also think long term it won't be the worst. I think MS will still be in a better shape after everything than when they started this gen. It just won't be the rosy future expected, even like 8 months ago.