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Machiavellian said:

At the end of the day you give gamers way to much credit.  All they really care about is playing the games they like and pretty much not much else.  All the bad talk about ABK from fans and gamers never stopped COD from selling boat loads.  Meaning that online small minority is just not worth caring about.  None of those gamers are going to care if the next COD is a hit, Fallout, Doom, Eldar Scrolls you name it.  Gamers have short memories and even shorter attention spans but most importantly is that the majority of gamers really do not care about none of this stuff.  

Disagree.  That small online minority are the ones that organize the uninformed mobs and hand out the pitchforks that end up reversing many bad decisions. avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.