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JRPGfan said:
Farsala said:

I agree, launch will also be late 2025. 8.5 years after Switch.

Nintendo seems to have had better success with early year launches.
That way, first buyers (early adopters), arn't takeing up all the stock, come holidays, wasteing the first one for the console.
I honestly think xbox and playstation should be copying that.

Besides its already been 8 years and 2 months  (it launched in march 3rd, 2017).
2017,2018,2019,2020,2021,2022,2023,2024 + 2 months.

Late 2025, would almost be 10years between consoles.
Nintendo doesn't have to wait that long.

Like if the hardware is ready (and supposedly by rumors its been so, for almost a year), and they feel like the time to launch the successor is now...
They probably will do so soon.

The question is if they launch this year, holidays... or early next year.
Do they go back to late year launch, or continue what worked for them last time?

I think 2025, feb-march launch is more likely tbh.

I like the March launch.  It gives them time to react to stronger than expected demand in specific markets and to do that before the holiday season (assuming they have a good amount of stock built up).

I pre-ordered my Switch when they released the BotW trailer within less than a minute in fact. After the WiiU I had intended to wait but that game sold me. I had my Switch at launch, so I didn't really pay attention to post launch availability like I did with the PS5.