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I'd rather every single game goes fully multiplatform than shutting down studios but even that didn't save Tango but it might save others, it's clear that Game Pass is not a safety blanket and every studio needs to be profitable, the best chance of that is full multiplatform, Microsoft has gone into cutthroat mode and look at P/L on an individual studio basis which makes no sense because how do you calculate that with Game Pass?

So many studios will die on an exclusive approach with this new Microsoft. They're basically in a position now of killing hardware sales or killing studios and making hundreds of people jobless and at the end of the day, the developers who make our games, the human beings, are a lot more important than a piece of plastic.

I think Phil & Co are just puppets at this stage doing whatever the fuck MS tells them to, but have some damn respect for yourselves, try to keep your dignity at least, if I was in their position I would tell Microsoft to piss off, what they're doing is wrong and quit the damn company, I wouldn't have my reputation tarnished because Microsoft wants to be greedy, it's not worth it.