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smroadkill15 said:
Hardstuck-Platinum said:

There you go again bringing up the console war when I don't care about console wars because there isn't one. PS5 is outselling Xbox by almost 4:1. What kind of war is that? If Bungie released a bad game shortly after Sony acquired them I also would have said that they should've just used their power to delay it. I don't see what it's got to do with console wars

There is always a "winning" and "losing" console. Was there no console war the previous generations? You prove time and time again to be invested by every conversation being about it. You use this excuse to dismiss your behavior and not be held accountable for console warring. You care more about twitter console drama than actually playing games. When asked why you never talk about playing games, I quote, "Why would I. It's not exactly a hobby to be proud of." But talking about the bullshit on Twitter is something to be proud of? 

Its not nearly as simple as you make it seem to delay the game. You do realize a game starts printing and shipping about a month of release? For all we know CoD already started this phase and it would cause more issues to try and delay the game when retailers and ABK are expecting shipments by a certain date. Nobody in MS situation would have delayed the game with such a short amount of time. This is also expecting MS to be in a position to make these kinds of decisions with such a short turnaround. 

When Dan Stapleton gave starfield a 7/10, he was overwhelmed with a vile torrent of abuse. He was on twitter trying to reason with the Xbox fans but I found it really disturbing to watch that a mob of people came after him like they did. Console war topics mean a lot to me because people get treated horribly because of it and I'm just really looking forward to seeing the end of the console wars. 

The reason I didn't tell you about all the games I play, is because I don't just start trying to prove myself whenever someone tries to command me to do so. No-one should have to do that. 

About COD, they would have been in a transition period for awhile, and MS would have started having influence long before the closing date because they would have known that they were going to get blizzard eventually. It's not like they would've just gone from 0% influence and control to 100% overnight