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Woow.. Yours and my definition on what the "EXTREME" platform is clearly varies quite a bit. Personally I find the Neolib/Neocon agenda far more extreme when it comes to global warfare and the well-being of the American people. So on that note, we have nothing more to discuss on that matter.

I don't give a crap how popular Tulsi is. I'll remain a huge fan of hers even if I'm the only fan remaining on earth. Chick is legit. I like that she's ALSO a former Democrat like myself (and Elon, funny enough!). Went a little too far outside the plantation so the cult smeared her (like all cults do when someone deviates even a tiny bit from their ideology). Instead of cowering and falling in line like Bernie and AOC, she said screw them, I'm leaving and doing my own thing. Liberation, baby. A rare Punk Rock politician and inspiration 🤘

Last edited by DarthMetalliCube - on 05 May 2024


"We hold these truths to be self-evident - all men and women created by the, go-you know.. you know the thing!" - Joe Biden