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RolStoppable said:
DarthMetalliCube said:

Ahh yes, and there it is! I was waiting for it! "But Bad Orange Man!" It's literally the entire Dem platform over the last decade. It's all they have left to run on. Even though the guy hasn't been in charge for 3 and a half years now, somehow everything is still his fault!

Look, I don't align with MAGA either (though we share a bit of Populist overlap). Frankly they can be close minded and bigoted when it comes to some of their more right wing views and many do have some weird cultist behavior when it comes to their worship of the man (though much of this is done tongue-in-cheek). Still, they're FAR more sane than the Dems of the last decade have been. And their platform makes more practical sense than the 'Dubya warmongering Neocon agenda as well, which I never stopped hating after 20 years.

In a perfect world, Ron Paul would be running things with Tulsi Gabbard as VP, but we're far from that now, aren't we :P

I do remember that you called yourself a centrist a few years back.

This reminds me of the centrist comment I made in another thread, Lol.

Pemalite is what I would consider a genuine centrist but there are many centrist who only pretend to be centrist, either because they believe it makes them more "enlightened" or because they're too ashamed to admit they share the same views as certain right-wingers, conveniently these centrists I'm talking about spend 98% of their time talking about how awful Democrats/Left are and how they "used to be a Dem" but apparently the Dem Party became too extreme for them, while also conveniently sharing almost all the same values and views as right wingers.

And we have the biggest example of this in this thread with Elon Musk.

Fucking hilarious that the Democrat Party is considered extremist left wing by anyone, the furthest left members they have is "The Squad" and aside from AOC they're largely completely ignored by the Democrat Party meanwhile the MAGA consistently cripple the Republican Party, MAGA is the damn reason the last Republican House Speaker was booted out and once again MAGA is trying to kick out the current Republican House Speaker who will only be safe thanks to the Democrats, Lol.

America can't get a border bill because of MAGA, they couldn't pass their foreign aid package for months because of MAGA. Even AOC isn't what I would consider far-left and she showed unlike the others that she's a shrewd politician (in a good way) who understands the need to work with the centrist in the Democrat Party to actually achieve anything which has led to a perception (incorrect I would say) of her moving further to the centre.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 04 May 2024