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DarthMetalliCube said:

Ahh yes, and there it is! I was waiting for it! "But Bad Orange Man!" It's literally the entire Dem platform over the last decade. It's all they have left to run on. Even though the guy hasn't been in charge for 3 and a half years now, somehow everything is still his fault!

Look, I don't align with MAGA either (though we share a bit of Populist overlap). Frankly they can be close minded and bigoted when it comes to some of their more right wing views and many do have some weird cultist behavior when it comes to their worship of the man (though much of this is done tongue-in-cheek). Still, they're FAR more sane than the Dems of the last decade have been. And their platform makes more practical sense than the 'Dubya warmongering Neocon agenda as well, which I never stopped hating after 20 years.

In a perfect world, Ron Paul would be running things with Tulsi Gabbard as VP, but we're far from that now, aren't we :P

Ahh there it is, a "former left winger" throwing in some defence of MAGA, Lol. At least it had a little criticism so well done.

All MAGA are close minded bigots and their cult behaviour is definitely not mostly done tongue-in-cheek, they genuinely worship this man and won't let anyone else come close to being the next messiah of the Republican Party. Meanwhile, Democrats barely like Joe Biden, Lmao. So if you want to talk cult-like behaviour it can only really be applied to MAGA.

The negative consequences of Trump's presidency still affect America whether he was in charge or not, his Supreme Court and the MAGA politicians in House are impeding all progress, folk like Marjorie Taylor Greene are genuinely insane and she is currently threatening to kick out Mike Johnson as House Speaker for the horrific crime of working with Democrats to actually pass bills. MTG would rather a government shutdown than Republicans working with Democrats, that's how far the MAGA base is trying to pull the Republican Party to the right.

Democrat platform is absolutely not only about MAGA but it links into a lot of things MAGA is trying to destroy, such as climate policy, aiding your allies, protecting women's rights and the rights of LGBTQ+ people, pushing for better worker conditions, better healthcare, etc. Republicans even got a right wing border bill tossed in their direction by the Democrats which Dems didn't like but MAGA prevented it from moving forward because Trump told them to not give Democrats a win due to the election.

The MAGA platform is screaming about "WOKE!" and "DEMS BAD" and blaming immigrants for all their troubles, hence why they refused to allow the border bill to go forward because without it they'd have nothing to campaign on aside from taking away women's rights which funnily enough is backfiring on them, imagine that.

Trump is as much of a war-hawk as any Democrat and don't mistake his love of Putin and Russia's fascism for being anti-war. He would support Israel's crusade against Palestinians as much as Biden, if not more, especially as he claims to be the most pro-Israel president of all time. I'll post a comment I made elsewhere about Trump too which was conveniently ignored by the person who made a similar claim to you. 

Trump didn't start any new wars but he did escalate a few of the ones he inherited, he increased troop levels, In 2019, air strikes from the US and its allies in Afghanistan killed 700 civilians, more than in any other year since the beginning of the war in 2001 and 2002. The US dropped more bombs on Afghanistan in 2019 than any other year since the Pentagon began keeping a tally in 2006.

He vetoed a measure to force the end to U.S. Involvement in Yemen War. He vetoed bills intended to block arms sales to Saudi Arabia, he destroyed all progress we were making on Iran with the nuclear deal. He assassinated an Iranian General which could have quickly spiralled out of control. Trump was never anti-war and just as hawkish as other Presidents. Obama who pulled America out of Iraq. Biden pulled America out of Afghanistan.

Trump abandoned USA's allies in the Kurds but abandoning an ally to die is not "anti-war" it's called sticking your head in the sand and pretending a war isn't happening. Most recently he said he would not defend a NATO ally if Russia attacked them, quote "I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want" that's totally anti-war right?

See how I focused in on MAGA? While you generalise the entire Democrat base? I strongly disagree with Republicans as a whole but MAGA is another level and the Republican Party is infected by them and the sooner they cut out the rot, the better, or they can instead continue screaming "WOKE DEMS BAD" because there's some extreme left wingers but the thing is, often these extreme left-wingers aren't even voting for the Democrat Party because they dislike them just as much and there's no actually far-left in the Democrat Party itself but there are far-right in the Republican Party.

All I have to say about Tulsi Gabbard is LMFAO. Didn't know she still had fans

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 04 May 2024