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I hate to say it but I do believe this, the West fears Russia being defeated more than anything else, so they're opting for an extremely slow bleed-out of Russian forces in the hope that Putin will magically wake up one day and be like "actually, this war is a bad idea, the West is right" and suddenly stop, despite the fact that Russia's entire economy has turned into war-mode and it'll be hard to change back now, Russia has positioned themselves to be in this for the next 5-10 years and when the country is in war-mode for that long, Ukraine won't be the only country invaded if they succeed, all Russia will know eventually is war and Putin is happy to send millions to their deaths to remain in power and Russians will never overthrow Putin.

Meanwhile Russia will manipulate and influence Western elections in the future when this war is still going on in 5 years from now, Ukraine support will be more attacked by Western politicians because it will be an easy target for far-right politicians, more pro-Russian politicians will get into power and decrease support for Ukraine, NATO will be fractured but the West can only think 1 day ahead and not years ahead of the consequences that this slow approach will cause because they're terrified that if Putin is defeated too quickly he will lob a nuke at us or something.