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Funny how all these "former left wingers" always mention about how "extreme" the left wing has gotten and that's why they "left" but they always ignore the MAGA lunatics and never call those guys out, Lol. I did used to be more centre-leaning but I've moved more left wing, however I am capable of calling out left-wingers and right-wingers.

Both sides have crazy fans, commie left-wingers who shill for Russia and far right fascists who want to take away rights from anyone not a white male but the key difference is there's no genuine far-left in the Democrat Party actually elected while there are multiple far-right MAGA in the Republican Party who impede progress and try to take away progress at every turn, who have crippled the Republican Party multiple times from moving forward.

It was MAGA who stopped the border bill, it was MAGA who let Ukrainians die for months, MAGAs bragging about taking away rights from women, MAGA bragging about shooting their dog. Anti-war is still a left wing position but that doesn't and shouldn't mean "fuck our allies, let them die" and in fact more Democrats support Ukraine than Israel and more Republicans support Israel than Ukraine so it's not even that clear cut that only one party is anti-war. Pro-working class is still a left wing position. Freedom of speech isn't freedom from public consequence but freedom from government consequence, if I say I love Hitler then I'll be rightfully driven out this site and/or banned.

Goes for the UK as well, Labour is more centre-left with a slant towards centre and the one furthest left was Corbyn who isn't even a Labour MP anymore. The Tory Party is right wing but they are a far cry away from whatever the fuck has happened to the Republican Party nowadays. The Party which has gone from "better dead than red" to "omg I love Putin's fascism" in about 10-20 years who have driven out traditional Republicans and are at each others throat constantly, it's so bad that the MAGA lunatics in the Republican Party consider fucking Mitt Romney to be a Democrat.

Who cares what the "far-left" say though? The Democrats don't even fucking listen to them, they have no members in the Democrat Party meanwhile Republicans DO listen to the MAGA lunatics and there ARE MAGA lunatics in the Republican Party. FFS The Democrats had to save Republicans own damn bill recently! If it weren't for the Democrats, Mike Johnson's bills wouldn't have even been voted on!

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 04 May 2024