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"You said that Mary Jane figuring out Peter Parker's alter ego before the rest of their friend group means that the movie writers are depicting 'women being smarter than men'"

Ummm I'm pretty sure you got the wrong guy. I couldn't care less about that and know very little about Spider Man lol. If I did say that, I certainly don't feel that way now in my 30s haha. Maybe I was making a point about a Mary Sue thing (I dunno, you've apparently tapped my hundreds of posts for a decade so you draw it up lol)? But I've chilled on that quite a bit, Nowadays I just shrug it off and lump it all in the over-arching category of "shallow, bland, 1-dimensional characters." And lord knows there are many guy characters that fit that bill too, just in different ways typically. There are even some dude versions of Mary Sue (James Bond, Superman, John Wick, etc). There's definetely loads of mainstream content that makes men look like utter dumbasses, though there is plenty of content making women look nuts too soo.. Pretty much even there I guess? XD. But I love several female-fronted films, (Kill Bill, Hunger Games, Fargo, Wonder Woman, Black Swan, Mulholland Drive, Rogue One, Alien, Alita Battle Angel, MOST good horror films essentially lol) - so I'm not sure what you're getting at. If a character is well-developed I couldn't care less if they're a man, woman, sheep, or five-legged alien. I fail to see what any of this has to do with less censorship on Twitter..?

I haven't said anything remotely unreasonable here other than the immature "boo hoo" comment which I've since apologized for in my OP, as in hindsight it was childish. Everything else I stand by 100%. Gotta agree to disagree on this one, as I'm EXTREMELY passionate and strongly opinionated about the excesses and dangers of greater censorship, whatever form it takes. Again, Twitter's far from perfect but it most certainly is an improvement from the 2016-2022 Dorsey era.

You do not combat bad ideas (or any ideas) with censorship. You combat them with rebuttals featuring GOOD/right ideas. If a given side is calling en masse to quell rhetoric of "the other side", that only tells me that the pro-censorship side's ideas are weaker or don't hold water in the free market of idea exchange. It tells me they fear their ideas holding up in the court of public opinion; that they can't fight in an even playing field. They're only doing themselves a disservice. Partly because it makes them look weak, but also partly because said targets' that ARE quelled are usually just emboldened MORE - allows them to fester and build like a pressure cooker. It radicalizes people further. Forces them all into a sort of "underground" that builds and feeds upon itself, turning into another echo chamber, not to mention play the martyr role. When you get too many of those big, militant echo chambers that oppose one another more and more vehemently and continue to feed themselves with their own hysteria - BIG problems eventually emerge. 

Views that oppose my own, even the most radical and insane ones - I absolutely DON'T want censored. I want them out there for the world to see. Why is this? Because I don't fear them. Because I know they're wrong. Or I know they're unappealing, unpopular, or optically bad. Again, short of actual threats of violence, doxxing, harassment, etc.. 

Beyond this sermon I have nothing more to say. Clearly the wrong crowd.

Edit: Have to add this to the pile as well - "The way you constantly keep leaning into how you "used to be on the other side, but have since seen the light" is giving these vibes, tbh. (Likely forgot to switch to his burner account before posting.)

Just say what you think instead of trying to excuse it by painting a picture of your past that no one can verify."

Except the key difference is that most of MY views HAVEN'T fundementally changed over the years. The left/Dems have (or certainly their emphases on various issues has). Many of the ideas and philosophies I support were once left wing positions (anti-war, pro working class, free speech and expression/anti-censorship, free market, anti-establishment). I'm old enough to remember that quite well :P. Ain't my fault that they swung hard in the Authoritarian direction this past decade. My views are my views, regardless of the fluid nature of parties/factions or which sociopolitical "tribe" an idea is currently branded or associated with. I don't care. I have no problem saying what I think thank you very much. Believe me or don't, no skin off my back. 

Last edited by DarthMetalliCube - on 04 May 2024


"We hold these truths to be self-evident - all men and women created by the, go-you know.. you know the thing!" - Joe Biden