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DarthMetalliCube said:

Twitter becoming a *slightly* less-censored platform (more in line with the standards circa 2012-2015). OMG everyone run for the hills! 

As part of the writing team, you'd think you wouldn't ignore/dismiss 99% of the critcism, and only focus on one.

And like Trollian pointed out, it's not so much less censored, but less moderated. Elon seemingly complies with censorship demands from every nation to avoid getting Twitter shut down in those areas.

DarthMetalliCube said:

Whatever brother - I've spent the better part of 25 years arguing about countless things on message boards (and frankly I'm worn out and jaded at this point), so I can already tell this would lead to an endless debate. So I'll just end it here. I'm a former Democrat (and bisexual). I'm no right winger and certainly no Republican. If anything, my closest approximation is that of a Populist, Classical Liberal, and/or moderate Libertarian. I know I'm in the VAST minority when it comes to gaming journos on that front but that's the way I like it :P.

You tick a lot of boxes suggesting the opposite of what you claim though. You can label yourself whatever you want. But what people actually say and do is what matters.

Since you value freedom of speech so highly and hate censorship, you won't mind if I'm honest about how you (many years ago) had perhaps the most Arkham Asylum-esque comment I have ever read on this forum to this day, which of course ticked one of those boxes, being fragile masculinity.

You said that Mary Jane figuring out Peter Parker's alter ego before the rest of their friend group means that the movie writers are depicting "women being smarter than men".

Not that Mary Jane (commonly depected as an aspiring journalist) pays more attention to him than others do because she has feelings for him.

DarthMetalliCube said:

There is crazy shit on Twitter no doubt, but I pay it no mind, as it will never gain traction. 

Glad this never gained traction.

DarthMetalliCube said:

I know there is hatred, ignorance, and bigotry. It comes from all sides. 

"Both siding" a subject where one is way worse, is another box.

DarthMetalliCube said:

I'm sure there are some hypocrisies when it comes to Musk but such is the case with basically all humans on some level. All I know is he's allowing a far fairer, freer platform and more even playing field than Twitter saw during the latter days of Jack in 2016-2022. Of course it's still far from perfect.

What's "fairer and freer" about bots and engagement farmers burrying any other comments because their checkmark pushes their unrelated spam comments above everyone elses?

And your cuttoff date being 2016 is anoter box ticked.

DarthMetalliCube said:

From my vantage point at least, my side used to support free speech. Now they've become the pearl-clutching Authoritarians trying to police everything. That's all I'm wary about. We can cherry pick all year but it'll get us nowhere. 

The way you constantly keep leaning into how you "used to be on the other side, but have since seen the light" is giving these vibes, tbh. (Likely forgot to switch to his burner account before posting.)

Just say what you think instead of trying to excuse it by painting a picture of your past that no one can verify.

Last edited by Hiku - on 03 May 2024