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Language and symbols fail when terms get twisted and abused, lose their original meaning, get weaponized and flung around out of context. Do that enough and they become the new context, like the Swastika.

Time moves on. You can't simply turn the clock back to the original meanings or the land of Judea and Samaria before the Roman invasion. We need to find a way to move on instead of clinging to the past. Palestinians need to get over the Nakba, Jews need to get over the holocaust. Problem is the likes of Netanyahu are doing everything to prevent this from happening.

It's important to remember the past, even more important not to live by the past.

I agree with this and that is one of the reasons early in the thread I asked you about your use of the term Genocide as I think it is mis-used in relation to this conflict.  Bill Maher sums it up pretty well in the last 15 seconds of this video.  I clipped it because much of the first part I don't believe is applicable to you.

Last edited by The_Yoda - on 03 May 2024