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Yep, there’s another news post:

Blizzard snuck in surprise quality of life changes into Diablo 4's massive list of season 4 patch notes
In addition to changing almost everything about Diablo 4's loot, Blizzard also snuck some excellent quality of life changes into this month's gargantuan update.
Enter one previously undocumented change that I'm excited for: Armor from your gear will now have a hard limit for how much it'll protect you from physical damage, which simplifies one of Diablo 4's most unintuitive systems and prevents surprise deaths. Before, you had to guess or find someone's Excel sheet to figure out how much armor would keep you alive against monsters above your level. Now, you'll just need a few extra armor stats—via crafting or Legendary powers—on your gear to hit the cap and then you can never think about it again. Blizzard says the tooltip will even tell you the exact number you need in a patch soon after the launch of season 4.

XDefiant finally has a release date, and it's just a couple weeks from now
It's been a long time coming, but the big day is finally almost here: Following a weekend-long stress test that ran earlier this month, Ubisoft's long-awaited free-to-play FPS XDefiant is set to launch on May 21.
>> Will people care? We’ll see in a couple of weeks.

After two long years in early access, my favorite indie Elder Scrolls-alike is getting its full release⁠—and it'll let you fly around in your own airship
One of my most anticipated games is paradoxically one I already have 19 hours logged in, and yet here I stand, thrilled at the news of Dread Delusion's 1.0 release. The indie mini-Morrowind will be launching in full on May 14.

Fallout: New Vegas director reveals that game balance is 'mostly vibes based', says he only used a weapons spreadsheet 'for maybe a couple of months'
It would be nice to live in a world that makes sense, wouldn't it? One where you could easily reduce the issue of weapons balance to points on a spreadsheet, defeating the issue of game design with the raw power of maths. Unfortunately we don't live in that world, as backed up by Fallout: New Vegas' director Josh Sawyer—who recently dispensed a grain of wisdom: Balancing is "mostly vibes based". 

Following up 'one of the greatest RPGs of all time' had Baldur's Gate 3 devs in a cold sweat: 'A great honour and a lot of pressure'
It's become a running joke that any studio that picks up where Larian left off with Baldur's Gate is pretty much doomed. Baldur's Gate 3 is already a classic, one of those games we'll look back in a decade or two the same way we now look at the great titans of '90s and mid-2000s game development.
But take heart, hypothetical future Baldur's Gate 4 developer: Larian once felt like it was in the exact same position.

And now, the GOG and Steam deals for the weekend:



That’s it. Until next time, I wish you a happy and gaming weekend.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.