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Ryuu96 said:
DarthMetalliCube said:

If these dingbats are so crazy, what are you worried about? Let the free market of ideas sort it all out. The hateful people and loons will be mocked, ignored, and get hatred right back at them.

In a free and civilized society - NOTHING should censored on social media short of directly breaking the law, doxxing, physical threats to others, etc..

There is crazy shit on Twitter no doubt, but I pay it no mind, as it will never gain traction. 

I'm confused. Is there MORE censorship or less moderation on there? I feel like these are opposing ideas..

Crazy dingbats spread and trick others into joining their crazy dingbat circle, typically vulnerable and isolated people who are easier to influence, they suck these vulnerable people in who are alone but now they feel they have a place where they belong, there's hundreds of thousands of people like that around the world, that is how these ideologies grow. It's all well and good saying that "they'll just be mocked, ignored, have hate thrown back at them" by people, sure, I can do that, many others will do that, but these people don't care about that and being able to have a platform to amplify their voices will result in more people being sucked in by them and will eventually result in violence.

Recently in the UK, a trans girl was murdered by teenagers...Teenagers...As a result of the hateful rhetoric being thrown towards trans people lately, Andrew Taint is increasingly poisoning our young men's minds. Eventually some "crazy dingbat" takes things too far, once upon a time, Nazi Germany was just words, until they actually acted on their words after growing their influence. We have people like Nick openly calling for Jews to be killed, it will result in someone being sucked in by his ideology and hurting a Jewish person one day.

VGChartz is technically social media, are you arguing that VGChartz should have zero rules? Not sure you'd actually like that, Lol.

And the thing is, this nonsense IS gaining traction, I've personally seen a sharp increase in people being openly Nazi on Twitter, I literally gave an example on the previous page of Alex Jones being attacked for being negative towards Hitler, full of antisemitism in the replies with thousands of likes, Lol. I no longer bother reading replies to tweets anymore because it's either bots, sex spam or openly fascist people nowadays.

I don't think they're opposing ideas, there's less moderation on the people of Twitter but there's more censorship on behalf of governments by Musk but it's often on behalf of right wing governments like Turkey/India but meanwhile he got mad at Brazil for asking him to censor some accounts and that makes him a major hypocrite, if he's an advocate of free speech and no censorship then why does he bow to right wing governments? Why some but not others? Why is he willing to be banned in Australia but not Turkey/India? 

Whatever brother - I've spent the better part of 25 years arguing about countless things on message boards (and frankly I'm worn out and jaded at this point), so I can already tell this would lead to an endless debate. So I'll just end it here. I'm a former Democrat (and bisexual). I'm no right winger and certainly no Republican. If anything, my closest approximation is that of a Populist, Classical Liberal, and/or moderate Libertarian. I know I'm in the VAST minority when it comes to gaming journos on that front but that's the way I like it :P.

I know there is hatred, ignorance, and bigotry. It comes from all sides. But again, short of actually breaking the law, ALL speech should be allowed regardless (at least here in the US).

I'm sure there are some hypocrisies when it comes to Musk but such is the case with basically all humans on some level. All I know is he's allowing a far fairer, freer platform and more even playing field than Twitter saw during the latter days of Jack in 2016-2022. Of course it's still far from perfect.

From my vantage point at least, my side used to support free speech. Now they've become the pearl-clutching Authoritarians trying to police everything. That's all I'm wary about. We can cherry pick all year but it'll get us nowhere. 

Last edited by DarthMetalliCube - on 03 May 2024


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