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Ryuu96 said:
DarthMetalliCube said:

Twitter becoming a *slightly* less-censored platform (more in line with the standards circa 2012-2015). OMG everyone run for the hills! 

"Slightly" less, Lol.

Musk believes in "free speech" as long as it doesn't break the law, which has resulted in Neo-Nazis being unbanned like Nick Fuentes, Twitter is full nowadays with people being openly pro-Nazi and we haven't even got into the bot situation being out of control and porn accounts spamming every single tweet.

But Musk is also a hypocrite.

Twitter’s Elon Musk Defends Decision To Limit Tweets in Turkey During Tight Presidential Election

Elon Musk’s Twitter Widens Its Censorship of Modi’s Critics in India

Whenever a left leaning government asks him to censor someone he throws a fit, cries about freedom of speech and all that, when a right wing government asks him to censor something he does it in an instant.

At this rate they'll be more moderation enforcement on 4Chan than Twitter.

Boo. Hoo.

The man spent billions on the platform. He gets to do what he wants. Any Authoritarian country that doesn't like it is more than welcome to ban the platform. Here in the US we still value freedom of speech.

Edit: IN hindsight this was childish of me especially as a writer for the site. I'm just passionate about this sort of thing. 

Last edited by DarthMetalliCube - on 04 May 2024


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