Ryuu96 said:
More people in this thread dislike Jez than like him, Lol. And he already confirmed this is "informed speculation" in a random tweet reply. Nobody knows what Xbox's full plans are right now and I wish we would stop crystal balling a future years away, Jez often goes on these drunken rambles and has flip flopped multiple times on this issue, he has no consistency. First he started off dooming on Twitter, rocking back and forth in the corner like like a man who had just pissed and shit himself then a week later he was all like "Lul. You're all overreacting, Xbox's multiplatform strategy ain't that bad" which was some nerve after the way he reacted the week before without the full information. Only a few weeks ago he was saying there's no plans to port *insert exclusive* to PlayStation. This is partly the reason people start to dislike Jez, he has no level of self control and often spirals on Twitter, Xbox fans take every word he says as gospel and he doesn't make explicitly clear what is a strong leak and what is speculation, he knows people take his word as gospel, he knows he has a certain credibility as a journalist tuned into Xbox, he knows because he has straight up said he knows before but he doesn't care about his reputation. I would love a Xbox device which could sideload Steam but Jez is being Jez again so I'm ignoring this. |
I agree, some of what he's saying make sense but other don't and IMO he does make bad cause to effect assumption.
- All Xbox first-Party games coming to PlayStation, even Forza, Halo...
This is not logical, if MS reached a point where they decided as such then there would be no point in holding such announcement. In fact right now would be the best time for both franchise. It is more likely that MS will slowly increase collaboration with Sony in the future but expect reciprocity especially when it comes to such franchises.
-Xbox will be more Steam-like in the future
-Affordable prices, sales, more open for devs
I wish but I think MS will continue to push for GamePass going forward and adopting Steam pricing strategy may actually conflict with this. More open to devs would need to be better explained, ID@Xbox already seems to be well like by the industry in general.
-Xbox hardware will be niche like Steam Deck
Fully agree here, this is the only way to go IMO. Game budget and development time have risen so much while consumer population stagnated to a point where sales of software cannot sustain subsidising hardware cost for consumer while insuring growth for shareholder. I expect next gen to be priced with a break even/slight profitability in mind.
-Next Xbox will side-load steam.
I don't think MS will single out Steam, either the OS will be Windows with Xbox theme and so be open to unlicensed software or it will still be Xbox OS and a steam store on it would be force to sell Xbox licensed version of titles. The latter make no sense to me at the moment.
-I don't think they expect to ever grow in harware
For anything foreseeable I agree, although I think they still expect to reach/increase profitability of the hardware division.
-Nobody wanted to give Xbox a chance, so this is what they get a Sony monopoly.
Monopoly on what? Increasingly Lower margin subsidised hardware that'll make their shareholder cringe every time they see MS ones getting better ROI when funding projects despite apparent lower hardware number?
if MS rise the price of there hardware to a niche level then Sony will follow suit just be cause then they will be able to do so improving there ROI without loosing marketshare. So there won't be Monopoly.
And even if you define the market with Sony as a Monopoly as hardware manufacturer with software exclusivity strategy.
A) Nintendo still say Hi
b) Sony is also currently disassociating with this strategy
So even by this definition there won't be a Monopoly.
Last edited by EpicRandy - on 02 May 2024