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Old Update

Now the Crash limit is 140/150 km

As some of you may already know, if you remove the map boundaries the game will not crash after crossing the tile limit, this thanks to a past update from bethesda;

So i experienced a little bit and tried to fly across the planet, Montara's Moon, this is what i found:

as shown the max distance i reached was about 145 km, than the game crashed

New Update

Update on Map boundaries

Now the the new beta is out and they've confirmed land vehicles, i tried to check if there where any improvements.

this time i did not crash at 150 km, i did not crush at all, just got bored after 190 km tbh, so my guess is there is not a hard limit on how far can you go, but can still crash time to time

a couple of other thing

this time the world and physics were less glitchy and vegetation and flora still visible and scannable after 30/40km

also the map was updating as i went forward, without any glitch or problem.

so who knows maybe the map bounds will be changed with the new vehicle.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 02 May 2024