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Israeli demonstrators attack flour shipment bound for Gaza

Israeli demonstrators have attacked an aid convoy destined for Gaza, destroying bags of flour as the shipment crossed from Jordan to the occupied West Bank.

Doctors from Islamic medical association document trip to Gaza

A team of doctors from the Islamic Medical Association of North America have documented their latest trip to Gaza. They describe the severe injuries they had to treat and the scale of destruction around them.

“Everywhere I saw destruction in Khan Younis, not a single building was standing, be it hospitals or schools,” said Dr Ismail Mehr, an anaesthesiologist with the group.

US lawmakers accused of equating criticism of Israel with antisemitism

The Council on American–Islamic Relations (CAIR) has blasted US lawmakers who voted overwhelmingly to approve a bill that broadens the definition of anti-Semitism in the US.

The proposal, which aims to codify a new definition of anti-Semitism, was passed 320-91 and will now have to be also approved by the Senate. Critics fear the new definition – which is taken from the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance – will be used to label any criticism of Israel in the US as anti-Semitic.

“Tonight we condemned members of the US House of Representatives who voted to approve a one-sided and dishonest proposal about campus antisemitism that ignored anti-Palestinian racism and conflates criticism of Israel with antisemitism,” CAIR said in a post on social media.

“The push to adopt this act was motivated by an anti-Palestinian bias aimed at stifling young student voices advocating for Palestinian human rights, especially following Israel’s genocidal invasion of Gaza,” CAIR’s Robert S. McCaw said in a statement.