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Whoa there! I never said anything about refined being fancy... to be honest I didn't know how you'd define refined so I made sure not to slap a definition on it. His point by the way is interlaced between all is articles - the major complaint I hear is about his rehtoric which is funny because does so intentionally.

I'm convinced though that you and he have totally different understanding on what casual is - in anecdote; I had a friend who I jokingly asked knowing that he is a hardcore gamer (by definition of playing game engines and not just games) what to expect for an answer. We had already actually gone through the motions of this industry not having a grasp of what casual actually is and instead they think it's so magical demographic or just the flash game moms. So my friend responded, "casuals are people who play casually - they don't play for too long nor too often." I agreed and laughed my fanny off all the way - then called him laughing on the phone just to tell him "sort of." By his definition he's totally correct though, but what this guy (Malstrom) is defining it as is the industry slapped 'casual' (which if you read his past articles you'd know why he quotes that) on the core gamers that buy into "casual games" or games geared towards everyone.

Now for what it's worth Malstrom did explain exactly what he means for each word he types - you have to read all his articles in order actually not think the guy is a total asshat.

Firstly context over content - that's his first step towards writing for casuals. if casuals of the core demographic or everyone however you find it easier to digest wanted content they would go to school and get text books on the subject. This is the major driver for his writings.

Nextly reitteration of points - he loves to wrap himself in his own smug, that he does. People see it as being rhetoric I see it as him just saying: "See, see I told ya so." Which is fine by me but only if he was correct which amazingly he actually has been for a little while now. If E3 pans out exactly as he's said by this point I wouldnt be suprised. Of course he isn't an insider nor is he surfer girl nor is he psychic he just analyzes the money flow, historical data and how they align to recent trends.

Lastly - he writes these articles for himself. you can tell in his writing, he doesn't have to come out and say it. but he does plently of times. Saying you have a problem with his writing would be moot as he is not published nor edited. I honestly don't understand how your even offended or antagonized in the slightest bit, this isn't a book, nor does he claim to be or currently delivering this information from the position of a journalist.

Simply put it's a blog if you don't like it, don't read it honestly it cost you nothing but time.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D