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PA security forces crack down on protesters in front of Canadian office in Ramallah

Palestinians have been demonstrating in front of the Canadian representative office in the occupied West Bank city of Ramallah against Ottawa’s stance on the Israeli war on Gaza. Some held flags while others hold posters calling for “unity against injustice”.

While the protests started out peacefully, they were then met with a crack down by Palestinian security forces.

Translation: Skirmishes between demonstrators and security forces during a gathering in front of the Canadian consulate in Ramallah in support of Gaza and to reject Canada’s war stance

No need for further proof the PA is just a tool of the occupation. I'm ashamed of my country not doing more to help Gaza while still supporting the occupation. I'm even more ashamed when I see the You Tube comments on Canadian news reporting, it's not feeling like the country I emigrated to in 2002 anymore. The internet brings out the worst in people.