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"Sheridan agrees saying the protests are vile anti-semitic and reflect the breakdown of Civility in the United States"
"I think this is a very serious situation for America it's part of the breakdown of Civility and basic um uh willingness to abide by the law in America"
"what you've got now in campuses Across America is a situation of vile anti-semitic prgrams which are reminiscent of Europe in the 19th century"

The drivel goes on for another 10 minutes without ever mentioning the reason for the protests beyond pinning it on immigration and BLM protests?

"There's so many dynamics that are almost like a petri-dish at these universities over there where there's the impact of immigration and importing some of these allegiances that are spilling out there's sort of this codling culture that's happened at these universities there's the way protests I think were Amplified and supported during the summer riots with BLM I think that culture is carrying over and you just have weak leadership at the top of the university and all those things put together is leading to some pretty stunning and outrageous stuff that we're seeing"

How is this hate speech allowed to be aired?
Last edited by SvennoJ - on 29 April 2024