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Israel’s opposition leader pledges support for a captive deal

Yair Lapid has pledged to support the Israeli government in approving a possible deal with Hamas that would bring back captives, amid reports that far-right ministers Itamar Ben Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich were threatening to pull out of the ruling coalition if the offensive on Rafah is called off for such an agreement.

“Netanyahu, you have a majority among the people for a deal. And you have a majority in the Knesset for a deal. If you need to get rid of Ben Gvir and Smotrich, I will give you 24 votes in the government,” Lapid wrote on X, referring to the number of seats his Yesh Atid party controls.

“We must bring them home,” he added.

A former television anchor, Lapid briefly served as Israel’s caretaker prime minister from July to December 2022 before Netanyahu formed a majority through alliances with far-right politicians.

Israeli protests calling for captive deal block Tel Aviv streets

Relatives and supporters of captives held by Hamas in Gaza lit flares at a protest calling for their release, in Tel Aviv on Saturday

Israeli police on horses rode into some of the antigovernment demonstrators

Many in the crowd expressed their anger at Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Large crowds of Israeli protesters have filled the streets of Tel Aviv almost every Saturday night for months now

Thousands rally in cities across Israel to demand captive deal

Thousands of protesters have rallied across Israeli cities to pressure the government to do more to secure the release of dozens of captives still held in Gaza. Demonstrations took place on Saturday night as Hamas and Israeli officials renewed truce deal efforts.

Calls for talks were also re-energised after the Palestinian group’s military wing published a video purporting to show two captives appealing to the Israeli government to secure their release.

“Seeing my father today only emphasises to all of us how much we must reach a deal as soon as possible and bring everyone home,” said Ilan Siegel, the daughter of one of the captives who appeared in the Hamas video.