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Kyros said:
LOL we had too many developers making positive or negative remarks about the 360 or the PS3. One more doesn't decide the debate.

IMO two things are getting clearer:

1)PS360 games STILL have a slight advantage on 360.

2) PS3 exclusives like Uncharted, MGS4, GT5-P seem to have a slight advantage over 360 exclusives (If you take away the Unreal3 engine that also works on the PS3 (Unreal Tournament)

I think PS3 exclusives will outpace 360 exclusives in the midterm. But both consoles provide amazing visuals and are much nearer to each other than ever before, so who cares.


Well said.  The argument in this thread reminds me of the "how many angels can you put on the head of a pin" saying.  The answer is either "who cares?" or "does it really matter?"

Well... IMHO, anyway.