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firebush03 said:

Firstly, watch your language at the start bud. Don’t wanna read that.

Some of us don't want to read Russian propaganda, yet here we are.  

firebush03 said:

Second, chill lol. We’re discussing worldly affairs, and I can assure that neither you nor I are 100% hitting the nail-on-the-head. There’s probably more to it than NATO provocation, just as there is more to it than USSR glory.

Probably vs no probably, seems to suggest you think you're more correct.

Despite the facts not really supporting that. 

firebush03 said:

As far as there being nothing wrong with Ukraine wanting the join NATO, I want to ask you this: What would joining NATO provide for Ukraine? List all the benefits they’d receive. 

How about not being invaded, like they currently are.

During the Tucker Putin interview, Putin spent a solid 30 minutes talking about how Ukraine is really part Russia, how the country isn't real, and how they have a historical claim to that land that dates back to the 800's. 

When Russia's own propaganda tells you how bad they are, you should believe them.