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Goddamn...Some, especially left wing, Americans thinking their country rules the world and every country in NATO, especially in eastern Europe, is a brainless idiot who can't think for themselves, aren't in NATO because of Russian aggression but in it because America is controlling them. The war on UKRAINE was provoked because of AMERICA? Ukraine must be sitting here being slaughtered like "Wtf? When did we provoke Russia?"

There's zero wrong with Ukraine wanting to join NATO, a defensive organisation. Russia doesn't get to decide that and there's nothing provoking Russia with that, the same Russia that has CSTO, a NATO equivalent, the same Russia that pulled troops from the Finnish border, the same Russia which let Finland join NATO and thus massively expanded its border with NATO, the same Russia that has nuclear-capable Iskander missiles in Kaliningrad.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 23 April 2024