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More Americans Say U.S. Is Not Helping Ukraine Enough

Returning to the issue of Belarus' joining the hostilities, Aleksandr Lukashenko noted that Russia's "flag-wavers", as they are called in the Russian media, call for this sometimes. "These calls urging Belarus to enter the war in Ukraine play into the hands of NATO. They are doing everything to drag us into a war with Ukraine," he stressed.

The president explained that in this case, considering the border of Belarus with Ukraine, Poland and the Baltic countries, the length of the front will increase by thousands of kilometers: "We will have to hold this front if we enter the war. Can we do it? We can't. I'm telling you: we can't. "

"If we were to join the hostilities, it wouldn't change anything. They barricaded the border with Belarus up to rafters. Ukraine mined it and deployed 120,000 soldiers."

Lukashenko: No Need for Belarus to Participate in Hostilities Now or Ever

Yes. Because Ukraine would stomp the Belarusian army and then free themselves up to move to the frontlines.