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curl-6 said:
Radek said:

Yeah it is above 1080p but ever so slightly. 1920*1080 = 2,073 mil pixels, 2304*964 = 2,222 mil pixels.

In terms of pixel count we could still call it a 1080p 30 fps game

2304x964 was the lowest pixel count they found; using a game's minimum res as if that's how it runs all the time is misleading.

They also found 2560x1070, which is well above 1080p in pixel count.

As to who wants amazing graphics if the resolution is PS4 level, I for one would take that any day over PS4 assets at a higher resolution. Lighting, effects, textures, detail, etc matter more than pixel count in my opinion. Hellblade II for instance is easily the best looking game I've seen on consoles.

Of course I'm going to use the lowest pixel count since the game is using dynamic resolution, reminder again that RDR2 is native (not dynamic) 3840x2160 on 2017 Xbox One X.

1080p with TAA will always look soft on a 4K TV, it's just a fact and Ollie from DF admits it in the analysis. Now if you played it on 1080p TV that will look considerably sharper.

If they wanted to avoid controversy regarding the resolution and black bars they would offer reduced settings 16:9 mode running at 1440p in 16:9.