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Chrkeller said:

I see you are going to ignore being wrong with saying tuition average is 26k when it is 11k. 

You keep saying this like it changes everything. 

Chrkeller said:

I always found it interesting when someone is clearly wrong but ignores it and doesn't own it.

Most people do that. You've ignored a handful of things right in this very thread.

Chrkeller said:

If only a few people support it, the president (without congressional oversight) shouldn't be making billions disappear.  

I didn't say only a few people support it. Few people would volunteer for it.

Take a different issue like public housing. There are tons of studies that show that we can save money by diverting police costs that go towards policing homeless people toward giving them homes, and actually save money in the process. People certainly could volunteer for more housing things, but it makes a lot more sense to have a public policy to divert less worthwhile funds towards it. That requires government support, not individual choices. 

Chrkeller said:

Also, I can't keep up with who is requesting what information so I'll place it here.  People want to know why I think the problem is worthless degrees....  the largest portion of student debt is from the university of Phoenix, which is a for profit university being hammered in lawsuits for misleading advertising.  By definition those degrees are in fact worthless and are the largest part of debt owed.  UoP isn't even a real university.  

For profit universities should be illegal.  Shutting them down makes more sense than debt forgiveness.  Shut them down, sell the assets and give duped students their money back.  

Is there a source for the largest portion of student debt being from the university of Phoenix?