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Apologies for the week-late reply, I was off on a deployment for a rescue.

A203D said:

"I have already touched base on this and provided the appropriate evidence."

As was established by the United Nations Security Council the invasion of Iraq was illegal when the US presented the case. You seem to be getting confused here. The information at the time was known to be incorrect before the invasion began. Read what you're writing:

I have already touched base on this and provided the evidence. - You are arguing against established facts.

Regardless of the specific legalities, there was chemical weapons and/or the precursors to make them, meaning their initial assertions to justify an invasion turned out to be correct.

You do need to come to terms with that, because that is the absolute truth.

A203D said:

Its not a hard choice. Its an illegal choice. Do you fabricate evidence in your job role to try and sanction and justify your actions? Is someone who is sworn to protect life this desperate to protect their own ego?

Again. We have already established that I didn't agree with the war.
I have already elaborated on this point as well in regards to evidence, you are trying to go full Karen without any logical basis in reality.

I.E. You are arguing for the sake of arguing.

A203D said:

We're getting somewhere now. We have gone from they are 'safe and effective' to they are not as dangerous as you make them out to be...

I have already provided the necessary evidence that the vaccines are manufactured in Australia.
Australia also contributed rather heavily into the vaccine research programs.

Read the whole link rather than picking and choosing parts.


As for the safety of the vaccines, I stand by the science. The vaccines were given to 95% of the Australian population or over 20~ million people.
99% of people suffered no ill effects, exactly as expected... You are trying to make it sound like 20~ million people are dead, when that is far from the truth.

Over 24,000 people here died of COVID however, which is a significant number.
Anecdotally my friends child has permanent lung scarring because of it, as she didn't believe in the vaccines and that child has to suffer for the rest of it's life for that persons stupid choices... I know for a fact that child would never be able to go diving, work at a minesite, never be a firefighter now.

Get vaccinated, don't be anti-science.

If you are not a medical professional, you don't have an educated opinion.

A203D said:

What your calling science is actually 'scientisim'. Theres plenty of evidence I can show you to prove there was never a pandemic. The whole thing was designed so you would take their posioned vaccine. A huge  part of that reason was so they could use the pandemic to change the voting laws in certain battleground states. You see the pandemic allowed them to allow mass mail in ballots which is unconstutional according to the individual state leglislatures. In doing so they were able to defraud the election so Joe Biden could mandate complusary vaccinations.

There was a Pandemic.
By definition: "a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease over a whole country or the world at a particular time."

Many diseases fall under that definition such as the seasonal FLU.


If you cannot prove that COVID was designed so people were forced to take "poison" then you are telling lies and propagating a false conspiracy.

I don't doubt you genuinely believe that rubbish, but that is also the incredibly sad and disturbing part when you are so willing to discard science for something that is simply a lie.

Also the Pandemic was world wide... Thus your lie that it was to strictly change "Voting laws" in the USA has no merit when there was no election here in Australia at the time... You do realize the USA is not the world?

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