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curl-6 said:

As someone who was born (mostly) white, male, and straight, I just got tired of my "own side" treating me like I was evil just for being born this way, and that I had to spend my entire life apologizing for my existence and hearing myself constantly demeaned.

It was hard to really feel like I was part of the left when the left openly treated me like the enemy.

What passes for "left" nowadays just isn't what I believe in.

Equality feels like oppression to the privileged. What I mean by that is when born into a privilege that is not easily quantifiable, equality can feel like you are being disciplined or punished.

Straight white males on average exist in the front row and often don't see the struggles of those behind them.  When the kids in the back row who are farther away and barely even see the basket are given help (auto-aim, increased arm power, extra throws, etc...), the kids up front may feel that it is unjust and unfair.

But it's not unjust or unfair.  You still sit in that front row.  Again, this is all on average and not explicitly applicable to every single straight white male (such as myself). 

Nobody is asking you to apologize for being white, or male or straight.  The far right tells you the left is demanding this but they are not.

And speaking of far right....

With in regards to the self proclaimed centrists often merely acting like they centrists, I present you the "Fair and Balanced" Fox News. Nobody claims they are more center than Fox. Their viewers then take on that idea and also proclaim they are center.  They like the how Fox has branded themselves center because it gives them a sense of supremacy (see a connection there?).

And many don't know they are far right because the only people that tell them they are far right is the left itself who the "center" (read: far right) labels as the enemy.

They use this "center" viewpoint as a way to proclaim the left do these hateful things (like demanding you apologize for being a straight white male) while never having to worry about being called out for such nonsense. The far, far right (Newsmax, Alex Jones, etc...) certainly isn't going to tell Fox that the left isn't demanding that so these "centrists" never hear otherwise.

To the privileged, equality feels like oppression.