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As part of my list of games for 2024, I made a spoiler free review.

FF7 Rebirth (3rd JRPG)- This game also took 105 hours, but unfortunately much of that was frustration. FF7 Remake was near perfect, a sequel could have improved upon it and it would breach my top 10. But this game was annoying and thus doesn't come close. In the last FF review for FFXVI, I had issues with that game too. But those issues weren't annoying at all, rather it was missed potential. This game doesn't quite respect your time. Climb a million wood planks slowly like this is Uncharted. Climb a million ladders to get to the top of the tower slowly. Follow this NPC, but you can't run anymore because reasons. Your bird can't jump that tiny ledge, but it can jump this tiny ledge. Trash mobs? Nah they can hold you down for minutes if not outright kill you, if you don't perfect dodge. Bosses have infinite health sometimes, so your perfectly concocted combo goes to waste. Worst is when I was killing the last boss, got him to 0 health but apparently he was charging up his secret one shot move that hits everyone for 9999, meaning I had to restart the entire final boss. Explored some cool stuff? Cool you can't fast travel to it unless you do the associated minigames. OH my that is the first time I mentioned minigames. At least 30% of the game is minigames, they are fun enough to do, but I prefer my JRPG with a bit less. Overall the game is quite quality with a ton of music, sometimes interesting battle system, good story, setting, and characters, but all these annoying things really soured the experience.