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Elon Musk Shares “Extremely False” Allegation Of Voting Fraud By “Illegals” | Ars Technica

Famous centrist who spends his days interacting with far right Twitter users and parroting right wing talking points.

Also, a little humour.

Meanwhile: X's AI Chatbot Grok Made Up a Fake Trending Headline About Iran Attacking Israel | Mashable

And interacting with Bjorn.

Who is Bjorn?!

Björn Höcke is a German politician and a member of Alternative für Deutschland (AfD). Along with Andreas Kalbitz, Höcke was the leader of the AfD's far-right Der Flügel faction, which the German government's Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution declared a right-wing extremist organization.

In November 2021, Höcke's parliamentary immunity in the Landtag of Thuringia was cancelled. He was accused to have ended a speech in May with a phrase used by the SA whose use is illegal under insignia legislation. The phrase was "Everything for Germany".

The slogan “Everything for Germany” was introduced by the SA and its public use is punishable by law in Germany.

Sturmabteilung - Wikipedia

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 08 April 2024