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"I think we have assessed throughout the last couple of months that Russia has almost completely reconstituted militarily," Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell said on Wednesday at a talk hosted by the Center for a New American Security. Campbell cofounded CNAS, a Washington-based think tank.

He said Moscow suffered initial setbacks during the Ukraine war but had "retooled and now poses a threat to Ukraine."

"But not just to Ukraine," Campbell said. "Its newfound capabilities pose a longer-term challenge to stability in Europe and threatens NATO allies."

Russia's Military 'Almost Completely Reconstituted' After Ukraine Losses: US Official

America says this and then also tells Ukraine off, tries to place restrictions on them, can't pass aid, gets mad at France for being firmer on Russia, etc.

I'm slightly more pessimistic on Ukraine's chances in recent months and it's largely down to the West, while Russia has no restrictions, Ukraine has dozens, while Russia's allies are fully in support of them, the West dithers and can't get on the same page, now China is supporting Russia, I reckon at this rate, China could fully support Russia by sending military equipment but only don't because they need it for Taiwan.

And the West improves their positions by a small amount per year, usually only as a reaction to something Russia did rather than proactive.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 07 April 2024