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A203D said:

You can't believe how glad I am you said that:

The politicans and the 'scientists' who told you to 'trust the science' didn't follow their own 'science'. They were in denial of their own 'microscope'. They refuted their own scientisim in plain sight of your ignorance.

What your sufferring from is a reality gap. Where you have used fake science and fantasy to provide a gap in your knowledge. Unless you have an alternate explaination as to why the scientists and politicans didn't trust their fake science?

Politicians have nothing to do with science. 

Scientists don't even have that much to do with science. 

Science is a bunch of different things including being able to test things, being able to retest these things. People make mistakes, people can be paid off. People can be hypocrites. Which is why you have other people check and retest their work. The point is you have a process to correct mistakes, you have a process to catch people lying. 

It doesn't matter that Evil Scientist #5 skirted his own covid policies. It doesn't matter that some nutjob Biologist 50 years ago, thought the world was going to end by today. 

What matters is that we can test their claims. 

Because sometimes people do the wrong things for good reasons. Sometimes people do the right things for the wrong reasons. Sometimes people do the wrong things for the wrong reasons, and they know it. 

If I say 2+2=4 and 5+5=11. You come to the conclusion that the latter is wrong. Do you then come to the conclusion 2+2 must not equal 4?

Because that's the kind of thought process you're using here. 

Maybe I made a mistake. Maybe it was an intentional mistake to sell new calculators. Maybe I just thought I was special and could lie to you about whether 5+5 is equal to 11. But here's the thing, you can still independently figure out whether or not 2+2=4, and whether 5+5=11. 

It would be absurd to come to the conclusion that 2+2 can't equal 4, because that guy is a bad guy. 

A203D said:

Yet where is the evidence you claim proves there was a pandemic. You don't seem to grasp irony do you?

What do you think "pandemic" means?

A pandemic is a wide spread disease. 

How do I know there was one? Because I know a lot of people who have gotten the same disease. That is basically what a pandemic is. 

A203D said:

I'm actually so confident in what I'm saying I would suggest you keep getting boosters and you see what happens next. Nothing will happen to you... honest, because the paid Government scientist on the TV told me so...

A critical thing that you fail to understand, is that no one cares what a government scientist said on the TV. That isn't how any of this works.