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RolStoppable said:

Politicians who are hypocrites are nothing new. This, however, does not disprove science. There are numerous examples of politicians not following their own advice and getting infected by COVID-19 because of it.

My favorite example is still the guy from a far-right party who got infected by COVID-19 and was put in intensive care in the hospital, then people joked about him getting potentially kicked out of his party because his situation is the denial of the party's position that COVID-19 is nothing more than a regular cold.

"Politicians who are hypocrites are nothing new. This, however, does not disprove science. There are numerous examples of politicians not following their own advice and getting infected by COVID-19 because of it."

Your explaination of politicans disregarding their own science is that they are hyporcrities. Next time you state your opinion as fact please put 'imo' in front of what you say, because you are now engaging in conjecture that a politician or scientist didn't follow the rules because they are hypocrities, but there was still a killer virus that exisited because the lying politican told me so.

Your favourite example might not even be a real example. Its possibily fake news where the put that story out to scare people into getting the vaccine. In the same way you were told these vaccines were 'safe and effective' but they then admitted that they were causing severe adverse effects, like death.

I'm actually so confident in what I'm saying I would suggest you keep getting boosters and you see what happens next. Nothing will happen to you... honest, because the paid Government scientist on the TV told me so...