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If ever we needed further evidence that the MAGA contingent ain't the brightest, the current share price of Trump Media & Technology Group is a shining example of cult mentality > reality.

Stock is currently worth $6.7 billion for a company that lost $58 million in 2023, & brought in a whopping 750K in revenue in the 4th quarter. Looking forward to how the 'Trump is a genius businessman' narrative twists itself into a pretzel to justify all his share-holders taking a bath in 6 months when their dear leader is allowed to dump his stock.

This is literally a stupid-tax.

A203D, have you bought in, and if not why not? What do you think it says about his base that reading the basic metrics of a business seems beyond their grasp? Or of Trump that he's at the helm of such a shitty business?

Has there ever been a better stock to short?