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I think the timing is a bit off because of the rumored, and likely, internal delay.

If the release was originally to be in 2024, then Switch 2 would have likely been announced a couple of months ago. The Switch would still have been riding high on the momentum of TOTK and Super Mario Wonder. Those games kind of felt like the appropriate swan song for the Switch.

Now, if feels like the Switch is treading water a bit. This year has been mostly remakes like Mario and DK and B tier titles like Peach Showtime. They seem to be holding back on making new announcements as there hasn't been a full direct this year. It's a tricky balance, because the Switch is still selling very well, so you don't want to cut off its legs prematurely, but you also want to start revving the hype engine for the Switch 2.

So, yeah, there is a bit of a lull right now. But, does it matter? I dunno. The Wii and Switch were each announced when hype and enthusiasm for Nintendo were at their lowest points, and we know how those turned out. The 3DS and Wii U were announced when Nintendo was flying how, and we know how those launches turned out. If the Switch 2 looks good and has a good games lineup, the hype will pick up quick. If not, it will die out quickly.