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I'm doing these difficult post-ending challanges that require two teams and... man do I suck at using characters outside my primary team (Cloud, Red XIII, Yuffie). Tifa's hit box is kinda bad, with the 3rd atrack of Trinity Strike often missing. Barret's movement is slow, but without it, he would have been overpowered, I just gotta rely much less on evading, quit obsessing over perfect blocking and just block the normal way more often. Aerith is infurtiating though lol, she keeps dying literal seconds into the fight, and I don't know how to not suck at using her yet. At least Barret compensates with his immediate attacks and good defense. My girl takes forever to do anything...

I have no strong opinion on Cait Sith other than finding him very different and enjoyable. Can see him being either my favorite to use or the most disappointing.

Can't wait for Cid in the 3rd game. Dragoons/Lancers >>>

Last edited by Kyuu - on 01 April 2024