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Pemalite said:

At this point one of us is loosing restraint, composure and control. Let us continue with your first point and see which one of us it is:

"The US government made a DECISION on the information they had at the time, sometimes that information is not always sufficient or correct, but the decision still needed to be made."

Please read through those that your lesiure. I can take some direct quotes for you if you like. In a nutshell there was never any real evidence or information that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction. Like I said before watch a film called Vice to see how they decieved you. Now lets look at the next point you make:

"I often end up being an incident controller for large, complex multi-agency emergency incidents... And often you need to make 'hard choices' based on little information or possible what-if scenarios to keep people safe. Those decisions are NOT always right, but you still need to make a choice and own it."

The United Nations Security Council did not sanction the invasion of Iraq. The United States and the UK went to war without the consent of the United Nations. That makes their actions illegal. Now let me ask you, in your role as an incident controller would you frabricate evidence to make a decision that your superior officers have declared to be illegal? Bearing in mind you have told me you are sworn to protect life, property and the environment. Is any of that true?

Next point:

"No. They are my enemies. I am a believer of protecting life, property and the environment. I am sworn by it."

Now look back at what I originally said:

"The people in China, North Korea and Russia are not my enemies. They are not your enemies."

You have linked me to a lot of articles to do with the Chinese Communist Party and political entities. I said the people in those countries are not your enemies, I didn't say their governments were not corrupt. The people are innocent, just like the people of Iraq were innocent. Someone in your line of work should appreciate that.

"Again. I'm not American. Fauci has no bearing on anything. Nor do I know the person or care. So no. That information doesn't come from that single individual alone, it comes from the scientific method and medical science which has been established over centuries."

Why don't you have a look at the links you yourself have sent me:

Your not an American, but your quoting me an American website which quotes Tony Fauci directly, yet you are saying Fauci has no bearing on anything nor do you know the person or care. Yet your link leads to a direct quotation from the man himself saying that these vaccines are 'safe and effective'. Even the date of that article you link to is from 2021. The next link you post is from 2nd November 2023, where your own Government wesbite details the lethal side effects of the vaccine; please do take a look at what you have sent me:

Your telling me that your not American and you don't care... but your own Government body health regulator states that it uses Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZenica and Novavaxx. These are American products. AstraZenica is British but it has been discontinued due to saftey concerns.

Your country Austrialia locked down the same as every other country because your officals were told to because the World Health Organisation declared a 'global pandemic'. You are led to believe that your country is independent and sovereign, but until you understand what fractional reserve banking is, you won't know who controls your country and how they control it.

You accidentally stumbled on something else. Have a look at the link you sent me with the NIH website. Please read this very carefully:

"The FDA issued an Emergency Use Authorization(link is external) for Moderna to make the vaccine available for the prevention of COVID-19 in adults on December 18, 2020"

Do you understand what emergency use authorization means?