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It doesn't matter what Fauci said. It doesn't matter what the WHO said. 

Science isn't about the claims of 1 person. You have 50 papers, repeatable studies showing various results of the vaccine/Covid pandemic. 

We can read these results from dozens of different countries about the virus compiled over multiple years, multiple different vaccines created by different people in different countries, verified by competing businesses, competing scientists in competing countries. 

Random people might be taking Fauci, World Health Organization as a source, but these people aren't being taken as gospel. This isn't how any of these things work. 

It's the same thing with the flat Earthism. In order to facilitate something like that, you'd need to have practically millions of people to be in on the hoax and be able to keep it secret. Otherwise literally everyone would know that it is a hoax in no time. 

A lot of these things might seem semi-reasonable at first glance but so many of them fall apart when you start looking at them more critically.