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A203D said:
RolStoppable said:

So to summarize what we've got so far:

1. Republicans and democrats are the same because they can both agree on issues like "terrorism, most notably what happened on 9/11, against the USA is very bad."

2. Trump is the peacebringer to the Middle East, even though it was him who moved the American embassy in Israel which in turn laid the groundwork for the current Israel-Gaza war.

3. Russia is not our enemy, even though seemingly every other month one of their many propaganda operations gets exposed.

4. Scientists as a whole can't be trusted, so whoever repeats what scientists have found out in their research cannot be trusted either.

5. MRNA vaccines were experimental gene therapy, because non-scientists said so.

6. The discussion is supposed to become more disturbing with each post, even though disturbance isn't a synonym for hilarity.

Lets go through your arguments:

"Republicans and democrats are the same because they can both agree on issues like "terrorism, most notably what happened on 9/11, against the USA is very bad"

Your now changing the original statement I made. I haven't said anything about 9/11. We were talking about the illegal invasion of Iraq. Both Democrats and Republicans instigated the invasion of country which had no involvment in 9/11 and never had any weapons of mass destruction. As I mentioned before who do you think benefits most in a war. If you have seen the film Vice then you should know the answer to this. In fact lets take it one step further. What does Iraq have that the United States wants?

"Trump is the peacebringer to the Middle East, even though it was him who moved the American embassy in Israel which in turn laid the groundwork for the current Israel-Gaza war."

Well actually lets get into this argument for a bit. The political dispute between Israel and Palestine started in 1948, long before Donald Trump was the President. In fact the question that any MAGA supporter will ask you is, what does a war in the Middle East have to do with the people of the United States of America?

"Russia is not our enemy, even though seemingly every other month one of their many propaganda operations gets exposed."

Who is telling your Russia is your enemy? The Federal Government? If you want to know more about whats going on between Russia and Ukraine I suggest you watch Tuker Carson's interview with Vladimir Putin.

"MRNA vaccines were experimental gene therapy, because non-scientists said so"

Why don't you take a look at the information from the NIH (National Instutite of Heath); the same NIH of which Tony Fauci was the head of. These same 'scientists' you believed seemed to think that mRNA vaccines are experimental gene therapy.

In fact, your 'scientist' Dr Anthony Fauci even says that these vaccines are 'safe and effective':

He dosen't say anything about the possible side effects, or even the possibility of death from these vaccines. As I said before, what follows will become even more disturbing. If you think this is funny then laugh, but you should know now, I'm not the one laughing. The people laughing are the Democrats and the 'scientists' who misled you into accepting their false science or 'scientisim'. They are laughing all the way to the bank with all the money they have made from the pharmacetual drug companies.

Tin foil hat personified into human form.