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shikamaru317 said:
Ryuu96 said:

Biggest eyeroll possible and more of the usual dooming from the industry which only last month was widely praising Xbox going more multiplatform, Lol. You could say it will hurt Xbox hardware but we don't have enough information for that, we can't predict 5-10 years from now and we don't even know the full extent of their multiplatform plans but the Xbox division isn't going anywhere.

I've been somewhat critical of Phil Spencer and some of his decisions over the years, but I agree this seems overly doom and gloom. I hardly think Xbox is going to die outright anytime soon. Traditional Xbox hardware may die, but it seems like it will very likely be replaced with Xbox PC-console hybrids if that does happen. Meanwhile Xbox is definitely here to stay as both a publisher and a service provider via Gamepass.

It's fine to be critical but I'm sick to death of this constant same old dooming and God, now the journalists are getting in on it, I know it's one guys opinion but last month all I saw were journalists praising Xbox going multiplatform with some titles, Lmao. But like you said, Xbox hardware won't die anytime soon, they still have at least one more gen in them and who knows what would happen to gaming hardware 5-10 years from now even if Xbox wasn't porting stuff to other consoles since it's a stagnate market. Why are so many people crystal ball dooming.

And at the very minimum, Xbox will be here to stay, whether that's as a company that provides hardware or as the biggest third party publisher in the industry alongside having Game Pass, well they're technically that now but being that without hardware, Lol. There's zero chance that MS pulls out of gaming as a whole at this stage and Xbox is profitable as it is.

The article is basically like "The handheld will be a failure! The Xbox/PC hybrid will be a failure! Game Pass is a failure!" and no Game Pass isn't a failure, it may not have met its lofty internal targets but it's still a profitable service. But then he also says "Great games sell consoles. A hundred billion dollars later, Xbox still doesn’t have them" Yeah, okay then, Xbox doesn't still have any great games (Lmfao) but then immediately complains that "Taking former exclusives to rival platforms is yet more short-term thinking. Sure, it may pump the numbers a bit, but each new port is one less reason for a potential new customer to buy an Xbox"

Okay, so Xbox has no great games to sell the console but also it's a bad thing they're porting their games to other consoles? Lol. You just made the argument that the games aren't selling the console because they aren't great.

And this part is just silly AF: "In another, where instead of spending $70bn on Activision Blizzard he spent it on 230-odd games with the same budget as Spider-Man 2, perhaps Xbox is flying" For the love of God guys, XBOX DIDN'T LOSE $69BN. THEY CHANGED $69BN IN CASH TO $69BN IN ASSETS!!! IT IS NOT THE SAME THING AS FUNDING $69BN WORTH OF GAMES!!!

Lmfao. Just sick of the needless pessimism everywhere.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 29 March 2024