I'm an American. There is not a two party system, that is the illusion. It is designed to keep us in the stupid and warring with one another so that all sides are blinded as to what is going on with people in power and the people rich enough to manipulate it. Once all sides realize that they are being manipulated by the governments and the medias, then a true awakening can begin.
The glass half full crowd is against the glass half empty crowd. Both crowds can be wrong and right at the same time. White vs black, rich vs poor, man vs woman, young vs old, left vs right, etc vs etc....... There is still only one glass and no matter how full it is, we're all in it.
...and I hate politics and have that section blocked off to me on this site.
...to avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.