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@HoloDust We get that but honestly this just comes off as thinly veiled console warring. That became obvious once you mentioned waggle. You continue to try to separate gyro from Wii and motion based gaming, when it all is part of motion controls. The original controller used accelerometer and had no gyro but the Wii already accomplished some of what gyro gaming did, which is mostly tilting the controller. Like Curl already mentioned, Mario Kart Wii literally already allowed me to tilt the controller to steer, Wii bowling allowed me to tilt the controller to curve my roll. Like obviously it wasn't very accurate until gyro but dude seriously saying you associate standing and play with Wii is wildly inaccurate. 

The controller was literally turned sideways (NES style) to play several games, those games used tilt, similar to what we see with gyro. Gyro just makes the tilt more accurate and good enough for aiming. You seem to associate the Wii controller being a wand to only motion games you stand up and play. That I think is your mistake because Wii controllers being turned sideways and played was definitely popular in Mario Kart or even Smash Brawl with no motion. NSMB Wii also popular in using the controller sideways. Wii motion gaming was definitely far more than standing and swinging the controller, that was flat out inaccurate.

You also need to realize you are clearly the minority in PS fans caring about gyro. Fortnite literally didn't add gyro to other platforms until 2022 lol, it's was on Switch the day it released (2018), same with Overwatch (2019) which I think still doesn't have gyro aiming on PS lol. You literally have devs being requested by Nintendo to include gyro aiming. How can you associate this to PS when PS clearly could careless? Blaming MS is hilarious when PS should be pushing it for their gamers like Nintendo. Like this is so weird, PS the brand that shows no enthusiasm for gyro aiming is the brand responsible because PS3 used gyroscopes before Wii? No Wii the console that popularized motion gaming whether you are standing to swing or sitting to steer popularized all of it.

Last edited by Phenomajp13 - on 29 March 2024