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We have countries in NATO saying that Ukraine should be able to hit targets inside of Russia, including with NATO weapons, then we've got countries telling Ukraine off for using their own weapons and actively blocking Ukraine from using their delivered ones on Russian soil out of fear. We have countries unwilling to send Ukraine certain things because they don't trust Ukraine despite Ukraine having a near equivalent missile from other countries.

We have some countries in NATO saying that troops in Ukraine is a possibility and we have other countries losing their damn minds at the sheer suggestion of the fact and raging at the countries for suggesting it. We've still got back and forth arguments about sending certain weapons. We've got some countries demanding a firmer stance and others telling them off for taking a firmer stance because they're being too "hawkish" Lets not get into the fact that we can't even trust Hungary and now Slovakia.

You know who looks more united than NATO right now? Russia. Their leadership has only one goal, the destruction of Ukraine, while the West bickers, argues, tells each other off, is indecisive, is fearful. If Ukraine loses then I anticipate a shitstorm of anger thrown between members of NATO and the Baltics would be at the top of that list with genuine and understandable anger towards Western Europe.
