I also recognise that America isn't saying they'll stop supporting Ukraine for doing it (although, they aren't supporting them much at all at the minute) and so Ukraine can do it and only have to deal with America whining about it, but shitty comments like these just look bad on America, they make America look like cowards, they make America look like they aren't fully behind Ukraine to win this war.
This weak shit of America being like "We don't support the attacks! We don't encourage them! Please don't be mad at us!" is so demeaning and pathetic of the worlds largest and most powerful country in the world, one which Russia would be afraid of. Also, keep your damn opinion to yourself until you pass the foreign aid package, until then you don't even get an opinion on how Ukraine conducts its military operations.
If it's too hard for you, just copy Finland's homework and quote them word for word. - “If necessary, Ukraine should also strike military targets on the Russian side. It is a completely legitimate defensive battle that Ukraine is waging. The U.N. Charter allows military targets to be attacked across land borders,” Is that hard? Does America not know the U.N. Charter? Has America forgot what a war is?
Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 27 March 2024