G2ThaUNiT said: I actually like the way this sounds. Xbox turning into a Console/PC hybrid? I wonder if this could even include Steam and Xbox turns into a form of Steam Machine. There's a lot of possibilities as to how this can go, but it could be a way that Xbox as a piece of hardware survives. Especially with how much talk they've been doing about tearing down walled gardens. Xbox having direct access to the PC community could be massive. Especially in terms of the console turning into an affordable cost of entry into PC gaming.
Man this is gold. This is what I want. I understand exclusives, I understand console and the closed ecosystems (business side of it).
But for the consumer, having a device that can be an hybrid between PC/Xbox and plays BOTH games (including Steam, Epic Store, etc), would be so perfect.
And this would maybe force Sony (not Nintendo ;) Not fucking way), to release their games on PC day one like Microsoft.
I'm so tired of having to buy a game on Xbox; then another "version" on PC, and then cross saves are not even a thing etc... this is so dumb in 2023