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Mnementh said:
Ryuu96 said:

I like you Mnemeth but I'm sorry, this dude is garbage.

  • Dismantle the U.S. empire
  • Slash the bloated U.S. military budget 
  • Disband NATO
  • Expeditious and responsible closure of global U.S. military bases - AFRICOM, etc.
  • Cease all war funding and weapons to Ukraine and invest in peacemaking

Aka let Ukrainians be wiped out by Russia.

Voting 3rd party in America is basically throwing your vote away in the presidential elections and while Cornel may have some good domestic policies, his foreign policy is atrocious, in fact it would be easy to argue that even Trump would be better foreign policy wise than Cornel because at least Trump doesn't shout the quiet part out loud! (That he wants to disband NATO).

I would not say voting Cornel West keeps anyone with a clear conscience thanks to his horrific foreign policy ideas. He reminds me of Corbyn, I loved him, I wanted nothing more than to see him as leader of UK but then I saw his absolutely awful foreign policy, especially in relation to Ukraine/Russia and it instantly put me off him to the point that I'm not glad he didn't win and let me tell you, I despise the Tories, Lol.

There's a select portion of the far left like Cornel, like Corbyn, who despise America's imperialism so much that they willingly make excuses for other imperialist countries, they willingly look the other way at atrocities that other countries commit because "America bad" and their entire logic boils down to "America doesn't like this country so this country must be good"

And none of them have any idea on how to get "peace" in Ukraine, simply saying "I'll bring peace" doesn't mean a damn thing, if anything, I'm pretty sure these people don't actually want peace, they just want Ukraine to go die quietly in a corner. Letting Russia take Ukraine and kill millions isn't "peace" simply because you choose to look the other way.

I agree his foreign policies might not be the best, but I actually think the US is too much involved in global politics. Many US politicians think that they and only they are able to sort out world politics and mostly with military means. I would prefer to move that power to multinational bodies, namely the UN. The NATO in my opinion is not well equipped to handle a post-cold-war era world, as a cold-war-era organization that will be seen (rightfully so) as biased towards big western countries. But multinational organizations, the UN have general much more trust in the world.

I do think the stuff that Cornel says is mostly good, but not just for overnight decisions. Say disbandind the NATO is fine, but not tomorrow, instead after the UN has taken more responsibility in this regard. And regardless how radical Cornel sounds, he will not be able to change US foreign politics overnight. So yes, I would like to see more focus on international organization in conjunction to the powerdown of military focused politics, but I don't think much damage will be done shortterm.

His focus will be domestic politics anyways and as you see, these are pretty good.

Might not be the best is putting it lightly, his foreign policy is horrific, Lol.

Slash the bloated U.S. military budget 

This one I would be okay with if only because USA's military budget dwarfs their closest rivals, Lol. They could cut back and still massively beat China and Russia in spending. Having said that, Russia has shown us that we still need strong militaries, that we still need to spend on our militaries, Russia has shown us unfortunately that we still need nukes.

Disband NATO

How is America meant to disband NATO? America can leave NATO but they can't disband it, Lol.

I also find it hugely ironic how Cornel West, upset at America interfering with other countries, has as one of his campaign policies not to leave NATO but to disband it, taking away agency of 31 other countries to decide whether they want to remain part of NATO or not, no America gets to decide whether all those countries want to remain in NATO according to Cornel West, who hates America interfering with other countries, Lol.

Once again, Russia has shown us the importance that NATO still holds, if Ukraine was in NATO it wouldn't be getting slaughtered right now, if America wants to abandon NATO then that's their choice but it also means abandoning your European allies who want you in NATO. It means putting Europe further at risk of Russian aggression.

It isolates America and shows to all of America's allies that America won't defend them, let me say as trash as America's foreign policy has been at times, especially in regards to things like supporting Israel so heavily, America straight up abandoning all its allies from a military standpoint will cause even more wars.

Is Cornel that naïve to believe that China wouldn't invade Taiwan the moment they realise America won't defend them militarily? That North Korea won't attack South Korea? That Russia wouldn't push further into Europe? America has actual defence pacts with certain countries that Cornel wants to rip apart and show that an alliance with America doesn't mean a damn thing.

Think of all the countries licking their lips knowing that America won't come to the defence of a country they want to invade now.

Expeditious and responsible closure of global U.S. military bases - AFRICOM, etc.

As I said above, they act as a deterrent in some areas, some can be closed but some are not only needed as a deterrent but also wanted by the country who is hosting the American military base.

Cease all war funding and weapons to Ukraine and invest in peacemaking

Addressed this in my response above, can be summed us as "let Ukraine die"

Think Cornel believes this is how it would go...

  • Cornel: "Please stop doing this Putin"
  • Putin: "Okay, since you asked nicely, I'll stop killing Ukrainians"

Lol. That tactic worked brilliantly on Hitler, it worked brilliantly the 200 times we already tried it on Putin and pleaded with him to stop, I don't know how anyone can say we didn't try with Putin when we practically had Macron on his hands and knees begging Putin to stop at the start of the war. When we spend months of debating weapons to send Ukraine to defend themselves because we're scared about Putin's reaction.


I too once shouted about how we should take away all nukes because "Russia will never attack us" and nobody is a threat to us, saying how we should massively cut back on military spending because we aren't at risk, I never went as far to say that NATO should be disbanded but Russia's invasion has made me completely reverse course on the rest of those issues and realise how foolish I was.

And now I'm at the point where if America abandoned NATO, I will never see America as an ally to the UK/Europe ever again, coming from someone who has heavily criticised America's foreign policy in the past, for once, America does the right thing foreign policy wise and leftists want them to stop, cause no matter what America does, it's all bad and Russia the fascist hellhole must be good because it dislikes America.

And if America abandons Ukraine, therefore abandoning Europe by extension, then I hope UK turns their back on America and further aligns themselves with Europe, if America wants to become an isolationist country then be an isolationist country but they shouldn't be surprised when many countries in Europe despise America in the future, are we going to ignore once again the pleas of our Baltic/Eastern/Central allies?

Many US politicians think that they and only they are able to sort out world politics and mostly with military means.

None of this applies to Ukraine though, America and Europe tried their best to stop Russia from invading via words, then via sanctions and they dragged their feet on military support. America's intelligence on the matter was spot on whilst Germany's was horribly bad. But still we drag our feet on supporting Ukraine with weaponry (I.E. Military Means) INCLUDING the United States because they are afraid of "escalation", America/Western Europe have consistently been cowards in this matter while Eastern/Central Europe have actually been the only ones showing some balls because they realise what is at stake if Russia wins.

I would prefer to move that power to multinational bodies, namely the UN

Eh...UN has proven itself useless during the entire course of Ukraine's war and now during the Israel/Gaza war, the UN is a toothless organisation and a bit of a joke when it has countries as permanent members constantly vetoing against condemnations of awful acts they're either performing or supporting. The UN has no real power to do anything and telling a country to kindly stop...doesn't do a thing.

The UN can't enforce their demands and so countries don't need to listen to them.

Counterpoint, I don't really think we ever left the "cold-war" mentality between West and Russia, instead Russia was just biding its time by pretending to be nice, NATO is absolutely the best thing to handle Russia's current aggression at this moment, if Ukraine was in NATO it wouldn't be getting slaughtered right now and Moldova will be next, Georgia will be next.

Personally speaking, I have a lot more trust in NATO right now than the UN.

And I'm not sure what you mean by bias, would you like to see NATO expand beyond the western countries? Cause I would be in favour of that but it doesn't really fit with its name, Lol. America has defence pacts with South Korea and Japan anyway and NATO is primarily a defence against Russia who are proving to still be a threat to Europe.

I can't even see a future where saying disbanding NATO would be fine right now, not until Putin dies and Russia goes through a complete societal change from the ground up, I certainly can't see that happening in my lifetime. It took the complete military defeat and occupation of countries like Germany and Japan to change their mindset post-WW2 which is something that obviously can't be done with Russia.

What responsibility could UN even take which wouldn't just make them "NATO but with a different name" to enforce their demands on other countries?

I don't think much damage will be done shortterm.

Foreign policy wise, Cornel and Trump could do horrific damage in the short-term, they can't disband NATO but they can leave it, they can choose to abandon Ukraine and without America's military support, Ukraine will likely lose and when Putin realises that, no amount of pleading and kissing his feet, begging him not to be a big meanie head, will stop him from taking the rest of Ukraine, why the hell would he when he knows he can get it all now? That would result in hundreds of thousands more Ukrainians dead and millions of Ukrainians fleeing into European countries permanently, an entire country lost, an entire culture, they can very easily happen in 4 years without America's support.

And when Ukraine is done with, Moldova will be next.