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Classic case of projection

Israel says Palestinians need ‘educational transformation’ akin to post-Nazi Germany

In a speech at the UN Security Council, the Israeli envoy said the vast majority of Palestinians “want to annihilate Israel at any cost” and must therefore be “deradicalised”.

“The educational transformation that the German people underwent after the Third Reich is what the Palestinians need to receive so they finally support coexistence with Jews and Israel. That’s how we educate our kids,” Gilad Erdan said.

The ambassador said the UNSC – which is debating another resolution on ending Israel’s war on Gaza after a criticised US resolution was rejected – must demand that the Palestinian Authority “end incitement” against Israel among Palestinians.

During the war, top Israeli officials, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, have repeatedly rejected a two-state solution that would recognise Palestine as a sovereign state and end Israel’s decades-long occupation.

Every time Israel accuses Palestinians, they're just projecting their own desire to annihilate Palestine. Israel needs to be deradicalised. Israel needs to learn how to coexist with Palestinians without oppression, apartheid, dehumanization of Palestinians from birth and continued violence on Palestinians in the West Bank by religious nutcases. Enough of this victim blaming. Stop the fascist endless lies.

Israel tells UNSC ‘road to permanent ceasefire passes through Rafah’

The Israeli envoy to the UN, Gilad Erdan, told the UN Security Council “no country wants to avoid an operation in Rafah more than Israel” but insisted “the road to a permanent ceasefire passes through” the southernmost city in Gaza where 1.5 million Palestinians are sheltering.

A day after a US resolution perceived as tolerant of a ground invasion of Rafah was voted down by Russia, China and Algeria, the Israeli envoy said the only way to achieve a lasting truce is to “end Hamas’s capabilities entirely”.

“This cannot happen unless all of their battalions are demolished. You cannot extinguish a fire by putting out most of it, the fire will grow again and spread. This is what will happen without an operation in Rafah.”

You are only stoking up the flames. Not just Hamas, you're turning the whole world against you.